Skin care and health during pregnancy

Skin care and health during pregnancy The gradual growth of the fetus and waiting for the birth of the baby is very exciting and joyful. Pregnant women, along with the excitement and understanding of the feeling of motherhood, should pay attention to the comprehensive care of themselves and their growing fetus, in order to get […]

Is colored or colorless sunscreen better?

0 Is colored or colorless sunscreen better? Today, most people are looking for products that have multiple uses; Colored sunscreen is one of these cosmetic products that can be used to cover dark spots in addition to protecting the skin from the harmful rays of the sun. Using sunscreen creams with proper SPF is the […]

What is BB GLOW?

What is BB GLOW? The BB Glow treatment is designed to improve skin tone, achieved through the introduction of micro-injections of foundation. However, it is worth noting that this method is not only used to smooth the skin color, but also to treat it. The fact is that during the BB Glow process, the serum […]

skincare 7 important tips to have smooth and healthy skin

Having smooth and clear skin is pleasant for everyone. But how can you have such a skin? To have such skin, you can use different solutions such as chemical creams, use of skin clinics, but the first thing that helps your skin health is a healthy lifestyle. Drink plenty of water Drinking a lot of […]

Anatomy of the skin

What is skin? The skin is the largest organ of the body, which is made of water, protein, fat and minerals. Your skin protects your body from germs and regulates your body temperature. Nerves in the skin help you feel sensations such as heat and cold. anatomy What are the layers of the skin? It […]

How can I protect my skin?

As the skin ages, you lose collagen and elastin. This causes the middle layer of the skin (dermis) to thin. As a result, the skin may loosen and wrinkles may appear. While you can’t stop the aging process, these steps can help keep your skin healthy: Use sunscreen every day (even if you’re indoors most […]

What is microneedling?

Microneedling is a minimally invasive procedure for your skin. It uses thin needles to make tiny holes in the top layer of your skin. The damage helps stimulate your skin’s healing process, so it produces more collagen and elastin. These proteins keep your skin firm and smooth. Most people do Microneedling on their face, but […]

What is Dermaroller?

What is Dermaroller? The Dermaroller is a skin care device used to help rejuvenate the skin, treat acne scars, and reduce the signs of aging. The Dermaroller contains hundreds of tiny needles. When used, these needles cause tiny injuries to the skin, which in turn triggers the production of collagen and elastin to overcompensate as […]

LED therapy

LED therapy Do you want to know why I added LED Light Therapy to our BB Glow protocol? LED Light Therapy is an amazing treatment that already works by itself. It can help with anti-aging, skin regeneration, and collagen production. So when it’s combined with BB Glow, you’re taking your treatment to the next level. […]